RESCUING - REtrospective observational Study to assess the clinical management and outcomes of hospitalised patients with Complicated Urinary tract INfection in countries with high prevalence of multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. This study was performed in collaboration with AiCuris.
Elaborate insights
RESCUING’s outcomes will help identify the optimal treatments and clinical management procedures. They will also help identify the patient categories and clinical centers that can be used to optimize future Phase II / Phase III clinical trials of novel candidate drugs.
The study will provide detailed insights into such things as:
- demographical and clinical characteristics of ICU-patients who develop cUTI;
- risk factors associated with developing cUTI;
- current clinical management of patients with complicated urinary tract infections;
- risk factors associated with early treatment failures;
- duration of patients’ hospital stays and antibiotic therapies;
- mortality rates;
- costs involved in the clinical management of multidrug-resistance problems.
Each patient record in the study contains information about demographics, comorbidities, functional capacity, place of infection and predisposing risk factors. It also contains clinical data, clinical pathology data, microbiological data, imaging test data, data on infection management, antibiotic therapy and clinical outcomes. As well as details of discharge and, if applicable, of readmission and/or death. All patients were followed up for up to two months after their discharge from the hospital.
Study team members
Christiane Vank
Clinical Trial Project Manager / EFPIA / AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH
Evelyn Shaw Perujo
Research physician / Academic / Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Ibironke Addy
Medical Director / EFPIA leader / AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH
Study level information
- Study NO NCT02641015
- Study Name RESCUING
- Study Type Database Analysis
- Study Status Report Complete
- Enrollment Period N/A - 03/16
- Total subjects planned 1000
- Total subjects screened 0
- Total subjects enrolled 1013
- Total subjects completed 1009
Study timeline
- Light blue
- Preparation phase
- Dark blue
- Trial period
Country level information
planned 80
enrolled 103
completed 103
planned 80
enrolled 89
completed 88
planned 120
enrolled 107
completed 107
planned 120
enrolled 185
completed 185
planned 120
enrolled 125
completed 125
planned 120
enrolled 142
completed 140
planned 120
enrolled 162
completed 161
planned 80
enrolled 100
completed 100