HOspital NEtwork STudy – Preparation for a Randomized Evaluation of anti-Pneumonia Strategies (HONEST-PREPS) is a prospective, observational, multicenter cohort study. The study population are the patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) at risk for hospital acquired and ventilator associated pneumonia (HAP/VAP).
The aim of the HONEST-PREPS is to set up an infrastructure to prospectively enroll patients at risks of HAP/VAP in the ICU. Collected data will be used to inform future diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic trials. In addition to capturing HAP/VAP episodes in a timely manner, HONEST-PREPS will determine the incidence, microbiological etiology (including antibiotic resistance), management and outcome of HAP/VAP in the ICU.
Study status: Preparation phase (2019 May – March 2020), Trial period (March 2020 – ongoing)
Country level information:
- Serbia: 3 sites recruiting, 1 site in start-up process
- Czech Republic: 2 sites recruiting, 2 sites initiated and pending activation
- Croatia: 1 site recruiting and 2 sites in start-up process
- Romania: 1 site recruiting
- Hungary: 1 site in start-up process
- Latvia: 2 sites in start-up process
- Albania: 1 site in start-up process
- France: 1 site recruiting
Study team members
Christine Lammens
LAB-Net Representative / Laboratory manager / Universiteit Antwerpen
Henri van Werkhoven
Investigator / Coordinating investigator / UMC Utrecht
Herman Goossens
Collaborator / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen
Study level information
- Study NO N/A
- Study Type Observational
- Study Status Active Recruiting
- Enrollment Period N/A - N/A
- Total subjects planned 6200
- Total subjects screened 1458
- Total subjects enrolled 916
- Total subjects completed 0
Study timeline
- Light blue
- Preparation phase
- Dark blue
- Trial period
Country level information
planned 200
enrolled 69
completed 0
planned 1000
enrolled 132
completed 0
planned 1600
enrolled 583
completed 34
planned 200
enrolled 293
completed 0
planned 800
enrolled 0
completed 0
planned 800
enrolled 300
completed 0
planned 1600
enrolled 670
completed 0
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