combacte-net News Item

Encouraging Antimicrobial Research: Incentives Needed

Thomas B. Cueni, Director General of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), posted a blog about incentives needed in funding antimicrobial research. Cueni has been advocating with European Institutions on behalf of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).

In his article, Cueni states that even though there is enough concern and consensus about the threat of antimicrobial resistance, finding a solution is the tricky part, as this implies a lot of hard work and partnerships. A lot of coalitions have been established in order to reduce the development of AMR, invest in research and development and make sure that new antibiotics are accessible to a wider public. Despite this however, even though there are scientific challenges, the economic barrier is also represents a difficult part, as funding dedicated to AMR can be a risky business.

The reasons, Cueni explains, are primarily related to return on investment, the fear that the developed antibiotics will end up on the shelf. A company that has recently brought a new antibiotic on the market estimates that it will be used on about 500 patients a year in Germany alone, and that the number will be even lower in smaller countries. With that in mind, options are being discussed in order to motivate the funding of antimicrobial research, and the development of new antibiotics. One of the options for instance would be a lump sum prize for the company that manages to develop a cure. Yet this may still bring along other challenges.

Thomas Cueni concludes that encouraging research is not enough. Incentives are also needed, and most importantly the need for a strong bond, a coalition and a united commitment in order to win the battle against AMR.

Read the whole article here

Source: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA)


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