Laboratory NetworkLAB-Net maintains an extensive pan-European network of microbiology laboratories. The objective is supporting antibacterial drug development via various clinical trials. The overall objective of LAB-Net is to establish, train, and maintain a high-quality geographically representative European laboratory network. The network consists of routine diagnostic laboratories, specialized research microbiology laboratories, and a central coordinating laboratory at the University of Antwerp.
Providing microbiological information
Together we deliver high-quality and standardized information on microbial strains and antibiotic resistance. This will guide the selection of clinical trial sites for particular treatments and provide such trials with microbiological information.

State-of-the-art expertise
LAB-Net is supported by state-of-the-art laboratory expertise needed to underpin the development of optimal diagnostics in the various clinical trials. We form an indispensable part of the COMBACTE network, fully complementary to CLIN-Net, and closely linked to the clinical studies.

LAB-Net regularly publishes updates on the work and progress in the different clinical trials. Find them in the latest Newsletters:
LAB-Net Newsletter February 2023
LAB-Net Newsletter October 2022
LAB-Net Newsletter February 2022
LAB-Net Newsletter October 2021

Key members
Alexey Ruzin
LAB - Scientist / EFPIA Co-lead / MedImmune
Christine Lammens
LAB - Laboratory Manager / Academic / UZ Antwerpen
Daniele Pazzola
Communications Manager / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen
Herman Goossens
LAB - Laboratory lead / Academic leader / UZ Antwerpen
Leen Timbermont
LAB - Scientist / Senior researcher / UZ Antwerpen
Tomislav Kostyanev
LAB - Other, please specify / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen
Tuba Vilken
Senior Researcher / Academic / Universiteit Antwerpen