Epidemiologic networkThe project will establish a network of experts from academia, public health agencies, research/health foundations, and industry. EPI-Net aims to inform current and future ND4BB efforts by identifying and cataloging on-going epidemiological research studies or surveillance activities, develop a consensus program and homogenous approach on current and future epidemiological surveillance strategies in Europe; address research needs to support antibacterial drug development by pursuing agreements to receive, store, and analyze study data from COMBACTE and external data sources.
EPI-Net One Health Platform
In 2018 EPI-Net launched the first-of-its-kind European platform that connects various national and international European surveillance systems for infections and outbreaks due to antibiotic resistant bacteria by linking microbiologic and epidemiological data. The platform allows greater insights into distribution of serious bacterial infections in the human and animal populations across the continent.

Improving our monitoring abilities
Linking clinical, microbiological and public health data allows greater insight. This improves our ability to monitor the spread of healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance across Europe.

Key members
Abdel Oualim
LAB - Other, please specify / EFPIA / Sanofi
Andreas Voss
Research physician / Academic / Radboud UMC
Anne Thérèse Witschi
LAB - Other, please specify / EFPIA / Basilea
Christine Luxemburger
LAB - Other, please specify / EFPIA / Sanofi
Evelina Tacconelli
LAB - Other, please specify / Academic leader / UKT Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Giuseppe Marasca
LAB - Other, please specify / Academic / Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Irith Wiegand
LAB - Scientist / EFPIA / AiCuris Anti-infective Cures GmbH
Jessica Price
LAB - Other, please specify / EFPIA / MedImmune
Jesús Rodríguez-Baño
LAB - Other, please specify / Academic / Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Kim Gilchrist
LAB - Other, please specify / EFPIA / GSK - GlaxoSmithKline
Lucien Engelen
Research physician / Academic / Radboud UMC
Tom van de Belt
Research physician / Academic / Radboud UMC