European prospective cohort study on Enterobacteriaceae Showing resistance to carbapenems (EURECA) is a prospective observational study on cohorts of patients with serious carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. It aims to learn how patients across Europe are infected and currently treated. And which subgroups of patients respond well to which treatments.
This study first obtained high‐quality, observational data about the clinical management, best-available therapy, outcome predictors, mortality and safety of the antibiotics used. Secondary objectives were specific questions regarding the impact of carbapenem minimal inhibitory concentration, or specific mechanisms of resistance (e.g. carbapenemase types) or phenotypes (e.g. colistin resistance). The risk factors, impact on mortality, and cost of infections caused by CRE were also studied.
Ultimately, EURECA will lead the way towards better management of patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAI), healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP), complicated urinary tract infections (cUTI), and bloodstream infections (BSI). All due to carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB).
All cohort data was collected in such a way that scientists will be able to use the patients as historical controls in future clinical trials. For example, patients were followed as they are seen by the assessing physician and data were collected at time intervals that will be most relevant when applied to new treatment regimens. In doing so, EURECA is aiming to limit the number of patients that need to be enrolled in future trials, which will significantly speed up product development and approval.
Study team members
Almudena de la Serna
Project Management Office / Academic / Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Alvaro Pascual
LAB - Other, please specify / Academic / Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Belén Gutierrez
Research physician / Academic / Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena
Study level information
- Study NO NCT02709408
- Study Name EURECA
- Study Type Observational
- Study Status Recruitment Complete
- Enrollment Period 05/16 - 04/18
- Total subjects planned 2000
- Total subjects screened 2266
- Total subjects enrolled 2266
- Total subjects completed 1522
Study timeline
- Light blue
- Preparation phase
- Dark blue
- Trial period
Country level information
planned 14
enrolled 7
completed 3
planned 28
enrolled 21
completed 8
planned 644
enrolled 644
completed 499
planned 693
enrolled 249
completed 174
planned 32
enrolled 32
completed 32
planned 28
enrolled 17
completed 15
planned 153
enrolled 129
completed 83
planned 138
enrolled 508
completed 448
planned 267
enrolled 934
completed 620
planned 115
enrolled 261
completed 138
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