Advanced understanding of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections in EuRopE – Intensive Care Units (ASPIRE-ICU) is a prospective, observational, multicenter, epidemiological cohort study. Nested within routine surveillance among ICU patients in Europe. Aimed at the advanced understanding of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in Europe (ASPIRE).
Predicting risk of infection during ICU stay
The goal is to estimate the incidence of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa ICU pneumonia, especially ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Another goal is to assess its association with patient-related and contextual factors. For example comorbidities, colonization status, and relevant biomarkers. With this information, a risk prediction model will be developed to quantify the risk of acquiring S. aureus or P. aeruginosa pneumonia during ICU stay.
Study team members
Alexey Ruzin
LAB - Scientist / EFPIA Co-lead / MedImmune
Christine Lammens
LAB-Net Representative / Laboratory manager / Universiteit Antwerpen
Frank Coenjaerts
Research physician / Academic / UMC Utrecht
Study level information
- Study NO NCT02413242
- Study Name ASPIRE-ICU
- Study Type Observational
- Study Status Recruitment Complete
- Enrollment Period 05/15 - 05/18
- Total subjects planned 2000
- Total subjects screened 9561
- Total subjects enrolled 2006
- Total subjects completed 1998
Study timeline
- Light blue
- Preparation phase
- Dark blue
- Trial period
Country level information
planned 280
enrolled 127
completed 127
planned 200
enrolled 205
completed 205
planned 70
enrolled 152
completed 152
planned 300
enrolled 97
completed 97
planned 210
enrolled 49
completed 49
planned 210
enrolled 84
completed 84
planned 200
enrolled 344
completed 344
planned 200
enrolled 340
completed 340
planned 280
enrolled 338
completed 338
planned 300
enrolled 157
completed 157
planned 300
enrolled 106
completed 106